Friday, August 31, 2007

Whatever your need in life may be, love is the answer.

Whatever your need in life may be, love is the answer. You do not have to look outside yourself for love. Begin releasing it from within your own thoughts and feelings, and you will attract to you whatever people, situations, and conditions are for your highest good. Truly, "You walk in the charmed circle of God's love, and you are divinely irresistible to your highest good now." This is the prospering power of love.

In all phases of life, love is a success power. Many persons who are seeking a balanced life have found this prayer helpful: "Divine love expressing through me, now draws to me all that is needed to make me happy and my life complete."


Scientists tell us there are no miracles—only the working of higher laws not commonly understood. Actually there seems to be one set of natural laws for the physical world and another set for the invisible world of mind and spirit. The laws of mind and spirit are so much stronger that they can be used to accentuate, neutralize, or even reverse the laws of the physical world. Prayer is the one power in the world that seems to set off the working of those higher laws.Prayer can get the job done—when nothing else has.
Why is prayer so powerful? Why can prayer accentuate, neutralize or even reverse the laws of the physical world?
Because through prayer, you tap the operation of higher laws of supreme mind and spirit. Through prayer you release a spiritual force which shatters fixed states of mind that have caused so much havoc in your world. Your imprisoned thoughts and pent-up negative emotions go free and dissolve, as a higher energy floods your being and your world.
Indeed, the energy and power released in prayer help you to "crash through" the negative thought strata that had previously bound you to all kinds of problems. Thereafter, the impossible becomes possible. Your ships come in. So-called miracles occur. It is then that you realize that prayer did overcome the usual "laws of nature" and did what they said couldn't be done!
If prayer were commonly understood and practiced by mankind universally, the dreaded things of this world—crime, disease, poverty and war—could become ancient history. You can begin helping to eradicate these universal ills, as well as a score of personal ones, as you begin deliberately developing your prayer powers.

Prayer is the only action you can take that truly makes things different—from the inside out.

A young man with a grave problem was asked by his minister, "Have you prayed about it?" He answered, "Prayed? This is no time to pray. It's time to do something!"
To pray is to do something—the most important "some-thing" you can first do about any problem.
Because prayer is where the true action is! Prayer is the only action you can take that truly makes things different—from the inside out.
This is true because physical action releases the weakest form of energy, whereas mental and spiritual action releases the highest form of energy.
Prayer deals primarily with the states of mind and laws of mental activity that rule your world. Prayer changes your mentality; prayer first changes your thinking as it calms, uplifts and renews you. This is one of the purposes of prayer—to change your thinking, which in turn changes your world.
But prayer goes further. There is another reason for all the shouting about the "power of prayer."
Prayer releases the highest form of energy in the universe, as it links you with a God energy, which is your source. When this happens, prayer "turns you on!"
When you pray, you stir into action an atomic force. You release a potent spiritual vibration that can be released in no other way. Through prayer you unleash and loose a God energy within and around you that gets busy working for you and through you, producing right attitudes, reactions and results. It is your prayers that recognize and release that God power.
You may not feel the force of prayer because it operates at a higher vibration than that ordinarily felt by man. In fact, prayer releases an energy that is usually too fine to be recorded physically.
Nevertheless, as you pray you expand mentally and spiritually so as to become big enough in consciousness to receive a larger flow of the divine energy generated through prayer. Prayer is not only asking and communing. Prayer is also receiving.
A skeptic once insisted that he did not believe in the power of prayer. When asked if he had ever prayed, he replied that he had once. His explanation was that on that occasion he was lost in a deep forest and could not find his way out. He had been there several days and was beginning to feel the pangs of starvation. He said that in his "weakness" he prayed.
"Then God did answer your prayer, or you would not be here," exclaimed his acquaintance.
"No," replied the skeptic, "God did not answer my prayer. A couple of hunters came along soon afterward and showed me the way out."
This man did not understand that his prayer had been answered, and that the hunters were the human agency through which God's work had been done. Nevertheless, through the act of prayer, he had for a moment recognized the God power within and around him, and had thereby contacted and released it to produce results for him. He had not only asked; he had also received.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Way to Opulence

There are no shortcuts in developing a prosperity consciousness of opulence. There are those who say "I do not tithe to those who inspire me but I do show my appreciation with gifts." You would not take your doctor or lawyer a gift instead of paying him (or her) properly for his (or her) professional services. A spiritual consciousness is the result of a lifetime (or perhaps many lifetimes) of development. It's help is priceless to the one seeking it. Just appreciation opens the way for the expansion of your own consciousness. of opulence.
There are people everywhere who are spiritually minded only up to their hip pockets. They give the Lord practically everything: Advice, excuses, good intentions, a little time and even a little energy - everything except the coin of the realm.
Not so those who are developing a true opulence consciousness. It includes abundant generosity. Sharing is always the beginning of opulent increase
Under the Mosaic law the priests of the Old Testament were millionaires. The priestly trine of Levi did not receive any of the Promised Land later during the reign of Joshua. Instead they received all of the tithes from the Promised Land. (see Joshua 18:7; Numbers 18:21; and Numbers:18:26.)
There is a good reason for prospering inspirational organizations and those in spiritual work:
As in the time of Moses, even now the world wants and needs spiritual organizations and workers who can tell you how to be prosperous, and who through their own lives, are demonstrating that they know the prosperity laws. The world loves, respects and listens to those in spiritual work who have proved the laws of opulence. Such workers have a high-powered consciousness that draws and inspires a loyal following. By giving to those in such a high-powered consciousness, you tune in on that consciousness and open the way to receive vast blessings of expanded good in your own life.
Declare often: "There are no short cuts to the opulence that is mine by Divine Right. Sharing is always the beginning of financial increase. I share at the point or points where I am receiving spiritual help and inspiration. By sharing with those individuals or organizations that are in such high-power consciousness, I tune in on that consciousness of abundance. This opens the way to receive vast blessings of expanded good in my own life. Yes, I share my way to opulence now!"

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Blessing has Multiplying Power

The act of blessing what is on hand can increase it mightily.
A business woman proved this. She was between jobs. Her grocery supplies were so low that the only food she had in the house was a small amount of hamburger, some coffee, and a half carton of cream.
This hungry woman started blessing her pocketbook and financial affairs, but nothing happened. She decided to bless the small amount of food that was left, remembering how Jesus had multiplied the loaves and fishes by taking them in his hands and blessing them. (Matthew 14:19)
She anticipated that, as she blessed the food at hand, more food or the money to purchase more food would come to her somehow. This did not happen, but the power of blessing worked anyway.
After the act of blessing the hamburger, cream and coffee, she used a portion of them for her evening fare. The next day, when she again inspected the food, she realized that there appeared to be just as much there as had been before using a portion of it the previous evening!
That food was like the manna in the wilderness that had been gathered by the Hebrews on the sixth day and had lasted through the seventh day, when no more appeared. As she continued to bless what was at hand, it met her needs until more money arrived. Through the continued act of blessing, she secured a job and the crisis passed.
Remind yourself often: "The act of blessing has multiplying power. As I bless what is on hand, this opens the way for it to increase mightily. So I bless and increase my health, wealth, and happiness now!"

Friday, August 24, 2007

How I went from Hungry and Poor to Wealthy and Happy!

Ok, Ready to experience More Prosperity? If You aren't recieving enough (Money,Food,Job,Home,Love,Wealth,Health,Sucess) there IS something You can do about it! Start Right Now! Read the words in the paragraph below and watch Your Life Change Dramatically. The instructions may seem simple and you may feel Hopeless, but Follow them to the letter. This works and it works Quickly. You must call one of the Laws of the Universe into action:
The Law of Giving and Recieving.

If You aren't recieving enough, you aren't giving enough.

In order to recieve, You must first give to activate the Law of Prosperity.

Once, when I needed more food and money to pay basic bills, I stumbled upon this Law. At first it seemed I had nothing to give (I didn't even have enough for myself) But the Law teaches that in order to have my needs met I must find a way to give unselfishly, no strings attached.

To change Your outer circumstances, you must first change your mind.

The affirmation I used:

" I give thanks That My Loving Heavenly Father Created a Rich StoreHouse of all that I need, when He created me! I now claim and recieve all the Blessings that my Heavenly Father has created for me, in God's own wonderful way for me!"

I had an elderly neighbor who was lonely and isolated and,thinking of her, I knew I had something to give!

I told myself : "I now call the Law of Giving and Recieving into action! As I Give I know that Heaven and Earth will rush to fill my every need! Thank You Father for the chance to give."

I walked to her house, stopping along the way to pick her some beautiful wild flowers. I sat with her, GIVING her my full attention, hugged her, GIVING her my real affection, I helped with chores,GIVING the only thing I had to GIVE, myself.

I went home and wrote on some 3X5's "God's Abundance Manifests itself In this House NOW!". Then I taped the cards (DO IT) inside my empty kitchen cupboards and one on the Bathroom Mirror. Something in me KNEW that I had indeed stirred up the law of Prosperity. I Knew that something was going to happen (for every action there is a reaction) and when doubt crept into my mind-I reminded Myself that "I am a child of the Almighty God, The Most Powerful Being in the Known Universe! There is no problem, no lack, no need that God can't handle! I am the child of a loving God! I am meant to prosper!"

My Prosperity began there and then! It came in seemingly "Normal" ways--but I knew better- I Knew it was the Law of Prosperity in action!

First, I went out to the mailbox, dreading another bill, but instead I RECIEVED a refund from an Insurance Policy I couldn't remember. (I heard others report "checks in the Mail" too.) Suddenly many other channels opened up to me and I recieved blessing after blessing in "Normal" ways until I was prosperous enough to buy my own house, share with others, put my children in private school, own my own business and all because I continued to use the Law of Prosperity!

Now it's time for you to GIVE and RECIEVE in full measure the abundance that our Loving Father has been saving just for You!
Use the Affirmations that I used or write Your own.
Visit Fireflies Daily to change your life forever!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

This is the prosperity secret of the ages:

Prosperity Has a Spiritual Basis
You can open your mind to prosperity by following Moses' advice to the Hebrews centuries ago:

"You shall remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth."

This is the prosperity secret of the ages:
God is the source of your supply. As long as you relate to the Source, you will be prosperous. It is when you turn from God as the Source and depend upon people and conditions for your prosperity that you have financial problems. People and conditions are channels of your supply, to be sure, but God is the Source. Knowing this, you do not panic if the channel changes, but know to look to God as the Source for guidance and supply:

"I do not depend upon persons or conditions for my prosperity. God is the source of my prosperity and provides His own channels of supply for me now."

Open Your Mind To Prosperity:

"I say you ought to be rich. You have no right to be poor. To live and not be rich is a misfortune, and it is doubly a misfortune because you could have been rich just as well as being poor." Dr. Russell Conwell

"The Father's desire for us is unlimited good, not merely the means of a meager existence. We cannot be very happy if we are poor, and nobody needs to be poor. It is a sin to be poor." Charles Filmore

People in my church asked me to teach a class that would point out the mental and spiritual laws of prosperity. I soon discovered something significant. Even though the people in that class desperately needed to be prospered, most of them had the old, erroneous idea that it was sinful to be prosperous. They felt guilty about even coming to the prosperity class.Since that time I have discovered that there is nothing unusual in this attitude.
Most people with financial problems have a psychological block about prosperity.
They have been taught in the past that poverty is a Christian virtue, and that to be prosperous is somehow wicked. They have been taught that anyone who is prosperous is probably a crook and therefore subject to suspicion. In any event, he is a "sinner."How in the world can poverty be a Christian virtue, when poverty causes most of the world's problems?" Katherine Ponder

You can open your mind to prosperity when you realize that through your study and application of the mental and spiritual laws of prosperity, you are not trying to make God give you anything. As the Bible promises, "All things are yours."

In the beginning, God created a lavish universe, and then created spiritual man and placed him in this world of abundance, giving him dominion over it. You are only trying to open your mind to receive your heritage of abundance bequeathed you from the beginning.

You can begin opening your mind to this abundance by declaring often,
"I am the rich child of a loving Father, so I dare to prosper!"

Many years ago, when it seemed that people and conditions controlled my good, I found this passage in Lessons in Truth helpful:

"No person or thing in the universe, no chain of circumstances, can by any possibility interpose itself between you and all joy—all good.

You may think that something stands between you and your heart's desire, and so live with that desire unfulfilled, but it is not true. . . . Deny it, and you will find yourself free. . . . Then you will see the good flowing (to) you, and you will see clearly that nothing can stand between you and your own."

The statements I used at that time to help free me from the belief in personality's power to withhold my good, and to help me relate to My Creator as the Source of my supply, were these:

"I clearly see that nothing or no one can stand between me and my own!"

"I dissolve in my own mind and in the minds of all others any idea that my own can be withheld from me. That which is for my highest good now comes to me, and in my clear perception of truth I welcome it!"

"Nothing can oppose my good. No one can oppose my good. I now accomplish great things with ease."

"Refusing to criticize another's prosperity, I turn to My Creator, ask His direction, and I am prospered."

"Love envieth not. The prospering truth now sets me free."

"My life cannot be limited. My financial income, cannot be limited. My Higher Power in me now frees me from all limitation. I am rich in mind and manifestation now."

"The forgiving love of My Higher Power now sets me free from all financial mistakes of the past or present. I face the future wise, free, and unafraid."

I have used these thoughts and affirmations for over twenty years with much success. Fireflies was created to help share this knowledge with you. Visit daily to change your life forever.

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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Gothic Dark Angel Generator-FREE

Gothic Dark Angel Generator
Make your own Grunge Dark Angel to add to your myspace, friendster or hi5 profile! Even works with blogs or websites. Just select the options you want and get the code to paste in your page.

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Thursday, August 16, 2007

Today I am A ButterFly-Beautiful and Free



Our Affirmation for Today:

Today I cast off my old cocoon. All My old burdens fall away. I spread my wings and Fly to my new future as a Beautiful ButterFly. I give Thanks that I am finally FREE!

No Matter what your old burdens may have been, repeat the "ButterFly" affirmation aloud and quietly in your mind until you feel a sense of determined peace. Each time thoughts of "problems" or "worries" creep into your mind, quiet them with the "ButterFly" Affirmation.

Your Mind is a beautiful machine that creates whatever you concentrate on. Don't focus on worries or problems or your mind will magnify and solidify them into your life. Deliberately
REPLACE those thoughts with this beautiful Affirmation and you will see positive results quickly. Open yourself to your higher power and prepare to cast off your cocoon and Fly.

